These days web developers like Kate in keeping pace with rapidly advancing technology, understand that Google for instance uses more than 200 signals, including their patented PageRank™ algorithm, to examine the entire link structure of the web and determine which pages are most important. But that's not all either, they then conduct what Google calls hypertext-matching analysis, ( don't worry, I'll explain more on that in a sec..) to determine which pages are relevant to the specific search words you entered. So by combining overall importance and query-specific relevance, viola! ...the most relevant and reliable results first.
If you have a business website that simply put, isn't generating extra revenue through on-line traffic there could be reasons ranging from its design to the level of expertise employed in making sure that it does more to be visible for search engines - potential new business. Do some research into available free technology such as Google analytics that generates detailed statistics about visitors to your website, or get help from this site: byitsizepro.co.uk. As promised, below is a little more information. Hope this helps your view. |posted by kevinbedward|12:42pm|23.09.2010
Hypertext-Matching Analysis: Googles search engine analyzes page content, but instead of simply scanning for page-based text (which can be manipulated by site publishers through meta-tags), they analyze the full content of a page and even factor in things like fonts, subdivisions, title tags, H1 tags etc, and the precise location of each word, even to the point of looking at the content of neighbouring web pages to ensure the results returned are the most relevant to your query.
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