It's funny the things we choose to believe or dismiss as myth or just great stories. I mean pretty soon I won't know my Robin hood from my Roman emperors or my Saints from Santa Claus. Christmas used to mark the birth of Jesus - part of a mysterious divine three in one existence - God and man, Father and Son and Spirit ...but even this story is in danger of being forgotten as my world around me increasingly dismisses the 'Christ' from Christmas, in favour of a more acceptable fun filled X-mas. As God he is all-powerful in a way that we cannot fully understand to the point of dying for us, then displaying more power by rising again from the dead. My kids ask me often where he was in the 3 days between being dead and risen again. If I knew that I'd be writing books and chilling on the beach in Jamaica is my usual response.
Belief kills and belief cures - another saying I grew up with, and I'm so glad that I can remember still yet a great many things I've encountered as I live and it is said that our beliefs help shape the way we live and die. I believe therefore in life after death, and that God has demonstrated his power and control over both. I believe in never laughing at someones dream; I believe I can be humble and polite and still not get pushed around; I believe discomfort is necessary for things to change...remember the good things you believe in and get started on changing your view...remember, whatever you believe....God believes in you.
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